Patient Participation Group

Important: Mission statement

Working hard at being better

The patient reference group is a group of Newhall Surgery patients who volunteer and work closely with the surgery on various projects. The group generates an action plan annually and sets out to tackle various education events, fundraising and awareness sessions throughout the year.

The surgery speaks with and involves the group volunteers with developments within the surgery and is happy to listen and act upon (where possible) ideas suggested by the group. This is a two way relationship enabling the practice to hear the voice of the patient in its decisions.

The patient reference group was formed in November 2013.

The patient reference group is not a committee, there is no formal structure. We have decided this format allows us to be proactive and tackle issues quickly. There is a core group of volunteers who meet on an adhoc basis to discuss plans.

We would like volunteers to help us with specific projects this means that you can be active in areas which suit you and ones that you are passionate about. When a project is due to start and you have told us that this is an interest area for you, we will be in contact with you to see if you are free and want to participate. Once the project is complete we would contact you again when another suitable activity is starting.

Join our Patient Participation Group

All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.

Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.

To join:

Meeting minutes