Derbyshire Carers – What’s On January 2025
Carers UK
They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
0808 808 7777
Carers UK
info@carersuk.orgCarers Trust East Midlands
Carers Trust East Midlands Carers Services support over 800 family carers and the people they care for across Derbyshire. They offer a flexible, professional care service to people of all ages with a range of health conditions and disabilities.
0115 9628920
hello@carerstrustem.orgDerbyshire Carers Association
Derbyshire Carers Association recognise that the responsibility of caring for someone who cannot manage at home without help often places great physical and emotional strain upon the Carer. Whether you care for someone for a few hours a week or for 24 hours a day, they can offer you a wide range of confidential and independent services, helping you to care.
01773 833 833
Email’ Breaks and Respite Care
Respite care means taking a break from caring, while the person you care for is looked after by someone else. It lets you take time out to look after yourself and helps stop you becoming exhausted and run down. There are lots of respite care options available.
Carers’ breaks and respite care – Social care and support guideHealth Watch Derbyshire
Local and national support services and information for carers in Derbyshire.
01773 880786
Healthwatch Derbyshire
Email care and support guide
If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this guide explains your options and where you can get support.
NHS: Social care and support guideCarers in Derbyshire
If you’ve just become a carer, or had an increase in your caring responsibilities, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to getting help and support.
Website Children’s Society
The Children’s Society has developed a range of guidance and information for helping health professionals identify and support young carers.
Website Homes
Moving into a care home is a big decision and it can cost a lot of money. Before choosing a care home for you or someone you know, it’s worth considering all of the options.
Care homes – Social care and support guideDerbyshire Carers
Upcoming activities and workshops for unpaid Carers across Derbyshire including our Cost of Living Advice and Support workshop on Monday 3rd October at 10:30 via Zoom. During this information session you will meet different organisations who will share their tips and advice around the current cost of living crisis. Joining them will be Sonia from Severn Trent, Kay from Clay Cross Food Bank, Eastre from Welfare Rights, and Andy from National Energy Action. These organisations will share information on cost of living grants, support available, energy saving tips, dealing with fuel debt and much more! There will also be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session.
For a full list of activities see their webpage and a list of local support groups.Adult Care Services – Derbyshire County Council
Derbyshire County Council want to help you stay independent for as long as possible. They can give you information and advice about support and services in your local community.