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Coming Soon – New Online Booking System

We are excited to announce that Newhall Surgery will be launching a new online booking system named Rapid Health. Rapid Health is an appointment booking and triage tool approved by the NHS. 

For more information, please click – Announcement – Coming Soon


GP Partners

Dr Prahlad Pillai, male


Qualified Mangalore 2001

GMC Number: 6029799

Languages spoken: Malayam, Tamil and Hindi

Dr Mitesh Patel, male


Qualified London 2015

GMC Number: 7494965

Languages spoken: Gujarah, Hindi and French

Dr Ayyub Mirza, male


GMC: 7524305

Languages spoken: Urdu/Hindi

Salaried GPs

Dr Natalie Jinks, female


Qualified Birmingham 2010

GMC Number: 7071753

Dr Siva Namasivayam, male

GMC Number: 6063350

Languages: Russian, Tamil, Telgu and Hindi

Dr Diane Pipe, female


Qualified London 2000

GMC Number: 4723497

Locum Doctor

Dr Paul Nathan, male


GMC Number: 317928

Trainee Doctors

Dr Tom Mathew (ST3), male

Dr Manar Al-Musabi (ST3), female

Dr Chinedu Okere (ST1), female

Dr Lauren Hadcroft (F2), female

Dr Arian Mustafa (F2), male

As part of our commitment to St Helen’s and Knowsley Hospital and University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust – Derby GP Training Scheme we have a combination of trainee Doctors on placement at Newhall Surgery.

GP Registrars, also know as ST1, ST2 and ST3 Doctors, are experienced Doctors who have decided on a career in General Practice. A GP Registrar participates in a minimum of 3 years in the GP training programme, at the end of which they will be assessed for Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP) and once passed will be able to practice independently as a GP.

Foundation Year Doctors are qualified Doctors who are yet to decide on their career path. A Foundation Year Doctor participates in a minimum of 2 years in the foundation training programme before choosing their area of specialism i.e. General Practice, Dermatology, Orthopaedics etc.

GP Registrars and Foundation Year Doctors are a fully qualified Doctors and are able to make diagnoses and offer treatment as many GPs are able to do. Each GP Registrar and Foundation Year Doctor is supported by an experienced GP in practice, sometimes they will request the support of the GP if they are unsure of something and in some cases they may come into your consultation to provide a second opinion. Our trainee Doctors are fully supported whilst at Newhall Surgery.

Training Practice

As a teaching practice of the University of Nottingham, there are times when medical students will be with us. We support a combination of junior and senior medical students at the practice and during their placement they may be sat in with the clinician you are seeing or perhaps leading your consultation. The medical students will obtain your medical history and take any observations before discussing your case with an experienced GP, together they will then consult you and confirm any diagnoses and treatments required.

Related information

Named GP