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Travel risk assessment

Use this service to arrange travel vaccinations and get advice for your upcoming trip abroad.

Your request will reviewed by a member of the team within 2 working days. You will then be put down for a telephone call from either Raj the practice pharmacist or from one of the practice nurses within the following 7 working days, who can advise whether you will or will not require vaccinations based on the information provided.

This will also determine what NHS vaccinations the surgery can provide. If your require further vaccinations which are outside the NHS, the surgery will refer you to a specialist travel clinic who can provide comprehensive advice, travel plans and what private vaccinations may be required.  The most local private clinic is Manor Pharmacy on Wetmore Road, Burton-On-Trent.

You can use this service if you:

  • are registered at the surgery
  • are not travelling within the next 6 weeks

Before you start

We’ll ask you for:

  • your first and last name, date of birth, sex, postcode, email and phone number
  • if applicable, the details of the person you are completing the form on behalf of
Start now

You can also phone us on 01283 217 092.