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Coming Soon – New Online Booking System

We are excited to announce that Newhall Surgery will be launching a new online booking system named Rapid Health. Rapid Health is an appointment booking and triage tool approved by the NHS. 

For more information, please click – Announcement – Coming Soon

Did Not Attend Appointments – September 2024

Each week, Newhall Surgery offers in excess of 1000 appointments to our patients, unfortunately, many people do not attend and do not advise us of this in advance

We are continuing to audit our DNA’s and will be contacting patients who do not attend. Our aim, is to reduce the amount of ‘patient unused’ clinical appointments which could have been offered to other patients had we been advised of the non-attendance in advance.

Throughout the month of September 2024, a total number of 148 patients did not attend for their appointment – this amounts to 24 hours and 40 minutes.

Please, could we respectfully ask, that if you are unable to attend your appointment, you either telephone 01283 217092, email us on or go online to let us know that you are unable to attend your appointment so this may then be offered elsewhere.