Message sent on behalf of Monica McAlindon, Associate Director Planned Care, NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
The ICB has been piloting a self-management app to support patients with common Musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and conditions – GetUBetter. This digital app has been available free of charge to all Derbyshire adult patients from April 2023.
The pilot was funded from non-recurrent funding and is now due to end on 31st March 2025.
To allow patients time to complete their care pathway, the app will be closed to new patients from the 1st February 2025. Existing patients up to the 1st February 2025, will be able to access the app up to the 31st March 2025.
Patients will be able to access alternative self-management resources via the Joined Up Care Derbyshire (JUCD) website ‘MSK and Physiotherapy ‘ page.
We aim to leverage the insights gained from this digital initiative and apply them to our ongoing efforts in reviewing future digital therapies that can enhance our patient care and joined up system work.